The Arrival

by | Dec 4, 2013 | Featured | 1 comment

Arrival of what perhaps you ask .

What is so important, am I up for the task?

There are presents to buy, wrap and give,

I have a life and I’ve got it to live.

It’s Christmas after all, what’s else matters,

Lights and trees, and gifts that flatter.

What does it matter if my faith is in tatters?

Jesus was then and this is now

He is pas-ay, old news, irrelevant somehow.

Now hold on a minute I have some thoughts to share,

open your mind and listen if you dare.

What kind of friend would leave you to die

rotting in sin, filthy and why…

Wouldn’t you be happier in heaven my friend,

singing with angels, joy without end?

Into being you came, by God’s simple thought

you were ransomed, my friend your salvation He bought.

Despite all this, He knew the choices you’d make,

excluding Him, choosing wrong, living for your own sake.

You are worth any price, so the cross He did take,

crushed and bruised all for our sake.

Twas better to suffer such painful torment

eternity with you was worth every cent,

so He laid down His life, and to the grave He went.

So consider this gift that comes in a manger

not wrapped up in gold, nor any stranger.

Your Savior and your King, desiring your love

the best Christmas gift ever, sent from above.

Barbara Lishko

Listen and Believe

1 Comment

  1. Carolyn Brintnell

    Thank you for your share Barb.

    Meaningful and very thought provoking.
