A Misunderstanding

by | Sep 18, 2012 | Featured, My Musings

It has happened to all of us…more than once. More times than I can calculate.

We think we are helping, but sometimes we are not…and a big ‘ol ugly mess ensues.

Hurt feelings, lost tempers, words that cannot be taken back. They are out there in the oxygen floating around and the more they are repeated the more damage that happens. Little bubbles bouncing around in an enclosed container spreading the words that contaminate the whole project.

This project however, is no simple high school science experiment…no, the container is the world and we are the bubbles. How we interact, collaborate, forgive…it all makes a difference. When we hang on to that hurt, when we let it fester; we turn the whole mix sour and affect the air we all breathe. Green poisonous plumbs infecting mankind, making it hard for us to see clearly through the intoxicating fumes.

When we forgive we allow the purifying ruah of God to refresh our souls, cleanse our very air, making whole and new everything in its path.

Once again anything and everything is possible. We can start fresh, inhaling deeply the profound love of the Father,  permeating every cell of our being and spilling over into our dealings and doings and whispers.

May the light of the new day be filled with His hope, love, and merciful tenderness.

Jesus meek and humble of heart- touch my heart and make it like your own.

Barbara Lishko-