It doesn’t take a genius to realize that humans, starting at a very young age, tend to gather stuff. I observed this firsthand with my grandkids and any child I’ve had the good fortune to spend time with. “Mine,” shouts the toddler, and thus begins the desire to...
Cry of a Heart
by Barbara | Oct 20, 2024
I know what it feels like to lose a baby through a miscarriage. Not once, but twice. I understand the crushing pain of infertility for years. I, too, have grandbabies that I hope to someday meet in Heaven, who were also miscarried. Even though I never met my own...
Heart of Mary
by Barbara Lishko | Jun 9, 2024
How many times do we make excuses for our sins? “The serpent tricked me into it, so I ate it.” (Gen 3:13). Sadly, I am guilty. I’d go so far as to say evil doesn’t even have to lift a finger- I fall easily on my own. Bless me, Father, for I have sinned; it’s been...
Loved and Beloved
by Barbara | May 22, 2023
What memory, if any, do you have of a time you felt completely loved? Not the mushy fleeting feelings of giddiness and butterflies. Rather, a deep abiding love not dependent on conditions. A love given exclusively for your own good. No strings attached. Parental love...
Mary, Mary Quite Extraordinary
by Barbara | Nov 7, 2020
Pray for us oh holy Mother of God! He approached the table where I was seated and took the seat next to mine posing a question about how I knew that Mary really interceded in my life, and could the blessings I encountered really be possible? Perhaps, I could give him...
Female Balancing Act
by Barbara | Oct 8, 2020
As a woman, I wear many hats. Wife, mother, daughter, grandmother, friend, mentor, toilet cleaner, meal maker, dessert creator and consumer. But this is only a few of my hats, and like you, they are as diverse and adaptable as the situation requires. We women know how...
Ominous Words
by Barbara | Sep 3, 2020
“Lord, Lord open the door for us!” But he said in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, I do not know you.’ Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” (Matt 25:13) I have had my share of bad news as many of you have. Getting a diagnosis which leaves us...
by Barbara | Aug 13, 2020
For a few months now in the daily readings, I have noticed an overarching theme proclaimed through the prophets. Here are a few examples. “Return, O Israel, to the Lord, your God; you have collapsed through your guilt.” (Hosea 14:2) “Unless your faith is firm you...
Exercise Hostage Crisis
by Barbara | Apr 8, 2020
By: Barbara Lishko I know full well that I am supposed to be exercising on a regular basis. I’ve heard all of the arguments in favor of why one should be dutiful to the cause and yet; time after time I let my brain hold my backside hostage. It takes very little effort...
by Barbara | Apr 2, 2020
I am one of those souls that schools, charities, and hospitals love to see coming. I have a condition, which prohibits me from saying no to most requests for help. I have said it before, and it bears repeating, I am pretty sure that I wasn’t born with the...