Over the years, I have opened my heart and shared many stories about my spiritual journey as a Catholic Christian and how God has allowed me to play a tiny part in His plans. I have given the reader an inside peek at our ever-evolving family and some goofy situations and fiascos that have shaped me as a wife and mother. All of this, of course, is done through my own lens and perspective. I have benefitted tremendously from the gracious inspiration of the Holy Spirit, who has provided me insights greater than my own capabilities. I’ve also shared experiences that have impacted me physically, emotionally, and spiritually, which continually elucidate.
Reflecting recently on my life and my gratitude to God, the gift I am most grateful for is my Catholic faith which imparts eternal rewards to those who are faithful. Think about it: all those distant and unknown relatives in our Irish and German lineage kept the faith alive down through the generations. This priceless gift was then handed to me through my parents, who fostered and nurtured it so it would bear fruit now and in future families. As a recipient, I am responsible for continuing to bless others through it.
“Our love for Jesus and our neighbor impels us to speak to others about our faith. Each believer is thus a link in the great chain of believers. I cannot believe without being carried by the faith of others, and by my faith, I help support others in their faith.” CCC 166
Through prayer and God’s wisdom, I was given the man who would be my “partner for life” in our sacramental marriage. God knew exactly who would complement me and be a means of my sanctification.
I have endeavored to write about Mark’s strengths entertainingly, which benefit me and our family. He is the human calculator that keeps our finances in check. The pilot who gets us where we need to go, and the coupon king who snags a bargain every time. His patience with me is abundant, and his love- unmistakable. We have grown stronger together through unexpected difficulties and trying circumstances that have pushed us to greater limits of love. He has taught me how to laugh big and take life less seriously. As my husband, one of his essential duties is to get me to heaven, and I too for him. We work hard every day to that end. He is my prized possession.
Our love yielded the most precious and prized possessions of all, our children. Who could have guessed that all of them were uniquely gifted and designed by God and entrusted to us? No pressure there. Parenting is magnificent yet daunting. There wasn’t a handbook accompanying each child before they were born. We needed to work together with God to unlock the treasures within them. Despite originating from the same parents, each was wonderfully imagined, uniquely designed, and indisputably like us… kind of. Each one of our five kids is a priceless blessing. Nothing in my life required so much of me, whose dividends continue to pay out in unimaginable ways.
I always assumed I had what it took to be a parent, until I had children. They helped me truly understand and practice selfless love, uncomplicated fun, and indescribable joy. I continue to be amazed at their ability to teach me new tricks. While the challenges of new parents are numerous, there is wisdom in God’s plan to draw out greater love with each additional child.
It has been easy to share the whacky stories over the years, but let it be known that the everyday joys and precious moments were more numerous than I deserved. I once heard that adults don’t make children but that children make adults. This is true because they take us out of ourselves, ever expanding our hearts and minds well beyond our trivial occupation with self. I am better, wiser, and more creative because of them, and I am eternally grateful.
So first, I want to say thank you for my relationship with God, which has survived daunting circumstances yet was intentionally passed on through the faithful family members before me.
Thank you to Mark, my better and wiser half, for your lavish, uncomplicated love and easy genuine laughter.
Thank you to Christopher, Nicolas, Andrew, Rebecca, and Melissa and their wonderful spouses and families, who enrich our lives and make memories and future stories to fill many pages. I cannot imagine my life without any one of you. While you may have brought out both the best and worst of me at times, you helped me become the crazy mudder and gramma you’ve all come to love.
May you take stock of your prized possessions and realize the abundant blessings that have made you who you are. Then take the time to tell them.
NOTE: I am busy working on my first book and a new website. If you would like to continue to journey along with me and find out more as I progress, as well as share your feedback on various phases of the project, kindly leave me your email. I look forward to the next phase God is taking me on.
beautifully said and you are a gift to all who know you – Thank you
Such a beautiful reflecti
Of course I want to continue to follow you, Barb! Sent from my iPhone